Monday, 29 August 2011

Diabetes Treatment

Diabetes  Mellitus is a condition wherein a person’s body is unable to regulate the glucose level in blood. These glucose levels are controlled by a hormone called insulin. The disturbances in the level of insulin lead to increase in glucose levels in blood, resulting in Diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes is a hereditary metabolic disorder characterized by an inadequate supply of insulin due to which the body is unable to regulate blood glucose levels. Diabetic renal disease is a major complication that affects 30=50% of Type I and over 20% of Type II diabetic individuals who have had uncontrolled diabetes for more than 3 years.

Diabetic Nephropathy is also called diabetic kidney disease.  It is a chronic, progressive kidney disease that develops in about one-third of all peoplke with diabetes.  It is a complication of diabetes that results in progressive loss of ability of the kidneys to function normally. The kidney is like a leaky sieve, the kidney initially becomes leaky to proteins such as albumin  which are lost in the urine.  As the kidney progressively declines, it leads to accumlation of wastes like, urea, creatinine etc.

Diabetic nephropathy can be treated with insulin therapy and dietary treatment. Diet and exercise have major effect on insulin sensitivity in Type I and Type II diabetic individuals.

Goals in Diabetic Nephropathy
To maintain near-normal blood glucose levels.
To achieve optimal lipid levels.
To provide adequate calories to maintain or attain reasonable weight for adults.
To correct electrolyte depletion.
To avoid dehydration or over hydration.
To reduce and minimize protein breakdown.
To prevent deley or treat nutrition related risk factors and complications.
To slow the progression of renal failure.

For more information